Frequently Asked Questions

How do I participate in Ugift?

To Give, click on members at the top of the screen, choose the member you would like to give to, and click on their profile. You will find their Ugift code on their profile. Copy their unique Ugift code and go to UgiftABLE.com. Paste in the UGift code, and follow the prompts there. You can decide to contribute online via an electronic bank transfer or to mail a check with the unique gifting coupon.

To become a member and receive gifts from generous givers, click on Register at the top of the screen. Fill in the fields, and sign up! You account will be reviewed and then added to the members list for anyone to find.

How do I get a Ugift code?

Every Enable account is assigned a unique UGift code.  Account owners can log into their Enable account at enablesavings.com to get their Ugift code and share it with anyone. If an account owner is having difficulty locating their Ugift code, they can call customer service at (877)-ENABLE4 for help.

How do I know if my gift has been made successfully?

If you make your gift online, you will see an online confirmation page at the end of the process, and you will also receive a confirmation email (unless you contributed through UgiftABLE.com and chose not to provide your email address). You can print or save a screenshot of your confirmation page for your records.

How do I deduct my gift on my Nebraska State Income taxes?

You will need to keep the Ugift Code (this can be used in place of the account #) and the amount you gave. Please consult a tax advisor for further questions about how to deduct your Enable contributions from you Nebraska income taxes.

What is the minimum contribution amount?

You can give as little as $10. Grab a member’s UGift code and go to UGiftable.com to contribute today.

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