Open Your Heart to Those in Need.
Use this site to find individuals with disabilities that need your help. Go to the Members List and learn about those attempting to reach their Goals! Read their profiles, see their goals, get their UGift Code, and contribute to these members through the UGift website www.ugiftable.com. Here, you can quickly and easily make contributions using electronic transfer from your bank account or sending in a check by mail. This convenient service makes it easy for anyone to contribute to an Enable Savings account. Unlike many other gifting programs, gift givers don’t have to join, register or pay a service fee. Givers who file Nebraska income taxes can also deduct up to $10,000 for contributions to Enable accounts. ($5,000 for married taxpayers filing separate returns)

It’s simple to donate! Go to the Members Page, find those you want to help, copy the unique code, visit UgiftABLE.com and make your gift contribution either securely from your bank account or by mailing a check.
To learn more about
plan, please go to

- You must have an Enable account to become a member of Give to Enable.
- Make sure you have a profile image (you can also have an optional banner image), your name, UGIFT Code #, your goal, and tell us about yourself (a short blurb about you, the money needed and why).
The money raised does need to be used for qualified disability expenses, which are:
- Education (including tuition for preschool through post-secondary schools);
- Housing;
- Transportation;
- Employment training and support;
- Assistive technology and related services;
- Personal support services;
- Health, prevention and wellness;
- Financial management and administrative services;
- Legal fees;
- Expenses for oversight and monitoring;
- Funeral and burial expenses, and
- Other expenses to enhance the account owner’s quality of life.
How Can You Give?!

Browse Member Profiles
Go to the Members Profile Page and see WHO you would like to donate to.

Nebraska Tax Deduction
There is a Nebraska tax deduction of up to $10,000 on NE State income taxes for anyone who contributes to an Enable account.
Nebraka does have a $10,000 state income tax deduction ($5,000 if married, filing separately) for all contributions to Enable accounts. Be sure to speak with your tax advisor about any and all Enable contributions. For more information go to Program Description.

Make a Donation
Once you know who you want to donate to, copy down their UGift Code and go to: UGiftAble.com and donate to this worthy member.

Give To Enable! Get Started Today.
Email: info@enablesavings.com
Call Anytime: (844)-ENABLE4